Standard NDT Services

Coating Inspection

Metal pipelines above and below ground are susceptible to decay from numerous atmospheric elements. Pipeline materials are routinely coated with protective substances to increase their longevity. Over time, these materials can wear away or be removed by impacts, weather, and other factors. A professional Coating Inspection seeks to evaluate coated pipelines to determine their condition and resistance levels.

Different tests exist to evaluate pipeline coatings above and below the ground. The coatings vary according to the type of metal and the differing elements impacting the pipeline. Various environments demand specific protections. Among the most commonly used are Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE) Coating, Three Layer Poly Ethylene/ Propylene (3LPE/ 3LPP) Coating, and Coal Tar Enamel (CTE) Coating.

Circle B Non-Destructive Examination specializes in various forms of Coating Inspection to determine the resistance levels of your pipelines to keep your operations at maximum performance levels. Contact us today to learn more.

Evaluating Coating Performance and Surface Profiles

The surface profile of a pipeline determines how well a protective coating adheres and performs. Pipelines not adequately prepared before applying a coating will tend to have more problems. Circle B NDE specialists perform several tests to determine how well a coating performs. We can also determine why areas of coating may be underperforming and allowing accelerated corrosion. Sometimes, this can be from damage that weakens or removes a coating or from substandard preparation or coating application.

Pipeline coatings must meet specific performance standards. Circle B NDE technicians use a variety of tests to determine the viability of internal and external pipeline coatings. These include:

  • Visual Inspection: This detects any noticeable swelling, blisters, lumps, or areas where the coating has been removed.
  • Thickness Measurements: This determines the thickness of the coating at numerous spots and stretches of a pipeline.
  • Peel Test: Peel testing evaluates the strength of a coating’s bond to the pipeline substrate.
  • Impact Test: Impact testing evaluates how well the coating withstands impacts.
  • Hardness Test: Pipeline coatings must adhere to international standards for hardness and durability.

Circle B NDE specialists perform coating inspections to determine how protective coatings perform and when additional measures may be needed. Regular coating inspections are necessary because pipelines are subjected to constant wear and impacts. Complete the contact form below to inquire about coating inspections for your pipelines.


Contact us at Circle B NDE to learn more about our nationwide services to pipeline industry manufacturers and other industries.



Contact us at Circle B NDE to learn more about our nationwide services to pipeline industry manufacturers and other industries.
