Standard NDT Services

Magnetic Particle Testing

Pipeline integrity requires constant vigilance and uses different forms of testing. Magnetic particle testing is a non-destructive examination method to detect surface and near-surface defects in ferromagnetic materials within pipelines. Most industrial pipelines are some type of metal, so this form of testing is valuable for detecting faults, cracks, weld imperfections, and more in new, old, or recently repaired pipelines.

Magnetic particle testing, sometimes called Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI), is a proven way to identify weak, damaged, corroded, or defective materials in critical pipeline infrastructure. This technical evaluation can prevent severe disruptions to your operations from breaks, leaks, and other damage that can impact economics, people, and the environment. Routine testing is much more affordable than serious breakdown repairs.

Circle B Non-Destructive Examination specializes in magnetic particle testing and many other forms of pipeline integrity management to keep your pipeline systems operating safely and efficiently. Contact us today to learn more.

What is Pipeline Magnetic Particle Testing?

Magnetic particle testing detects surface and slightly subsurface discontinuities in ferromagnetic materials. It involves applying a magnetic field to a pipeline and introducing magnetic particles or a magnetic suspension onto the surface. When there are defects like cracks or weld imperfections, these particles are attracted to the areas of magnetic flux leakage. This creates a visible indication that can be evaluated to determine the nature and extent of the discontinuity. Trained technicians can assess and address the issue, ensuring the pipeline’s integrity.

The test can be performed using either a dry or wet method, with the wet method typically providing more sensitivity.

  • Wet Testing: Wet magnetic particle testing is best for detecting very small discontinuities because it uses much smaller particles suspended in water or oil. The liquid carrier allows these particles to flow easily to small flux leakage sites to form problem indications.
  • Dry Testing: Rougher surfaces are more suitable for dry magnetic particle testing. In this technique, dry particles are dusted onto the surface of a magnetized pipeline. The particles are drawn to flux leakage sites to indicate problem areas.

Magnetic particle testing is a form of surface examination to detect breaks, defects, pores, cold lap, weld anomalies, and other problems in pipeline infrastructure.

Gas, Oil, Fluid Pipeline Magnetic Particle Inspections

Magnetic particle inspections are quick, safe, and effective means of non-destructive testing (NDT) on ferromagnetic pipelines. Circle B NDE specialists use wet and dry methods depending on the setting and conditions. MPI is only one of many tools we use to detect problems and help you maintain smooth and safe operations. Complete the contact form below to inquire about magnetic particle testing for your facility’s pipelines.


Contact us at Circle B NDE to learn more about our nationwide services to pipeline industry manufacturers and other industries.



Contact us at Circle B NDE to learn more about our nationwide services to pipeline industry manufacturers and other industries.
